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dominant eye backswing

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TODAY'S GOLF ask a question about dominant eye backswing - Thursday, December 23, 2004 "Tips... News... And More... All For The Love Of The Game"
golf chipping tips golf betting tips golf tips for beginners:

1. Ask The Pro
The Golf Doctor - REIN IN YOUR ARMS

ASK THE PRO golf chipping tips golf betting tips golf tips for beginners

Q: I read your recent article about head cock. Would you explain more about this? What is the significance of the dominant eye? Also, how do I put it to work for my golf swing? -- Mike from Tunnel Hill, Ga.

A: Your dominant eye is used for seeing the main object of interest that you're looking at, in this case the ball. If your head is out of position at address, this can lead you to lose sight of the ball during your backswing. So it's helpful to turn the cheek of your dominant eye toward the ball at address. During your swing, your head will float a bit away from the target. The amount depends on your flexibility. Inflexibility will cause a lot of float; good flexibility causes not much at all. Keeping your dominant eye focused on the ball through- out your swing helps you make a smooth pass at the ball because the object you're about to hit never leaves the visual scene. You are "keeping your eye on the ball." To Ask the Pro a question about golf, e-mail him at: TJInsider@aol.com.



Mianne Bagger is a legend (of sorts). She was not born a woman, but she is one now. She is also, by virtue of a ruling of Australian Ladies Professional Golf Tour, a member of that tour. Australian regulations had previously stated that applicants for membership had to be "female at birth," but that is no longer the case after a special meeting of tour members. The U.S. LPGA is expected to make a decision in January regarding transsexuals' eligibility for membership. It is likely that it will change the eligibility rule to allow membership because of the prece- dent set by the International Olympic Committee, allowing transgender athletes to compete following sex reassignment surgery, hormone therapy and a two-year waiting period. You would think that at an athletic-looking 5 feet, 10 inches, Bagger would kill it off the tee, but that is not the case. She averages a modest 210 yards, but has a sound overall game. Starting at age 8 and achieving a men's handi- cap of 4, she subsequently won the South Australian women's amateur championship three times before turning pro. Her lack of distance off the tee may have helped her gain acceptance on the pro tour. A former man who drives it 320 and hits 180-yard 7-irons would be a tough sell, no matter how just her cause might be. But there is probably not much chance of that. As Bagger says, "When you undergo sex change surgery, the physiological changes include losing muscle mass and strength. It's a false assumption that I am more powerful. My game is no different than any of the other girls out there."



If you're having trouble keeping your arms together while you swing, don't miss the Arm Master. The majority of golfers who have this problem don't know they have it, and I'd estimate that at some point in their swing, 70 percent let their arms spread apart, a ruinous move. The manu- facturer describes the solution as follows: "A durable non-elastic strap, the Arm Master connects the upper arms to the body when addressing the ball during backswing, impact and follow-through positions. By establishing and maintaining the connection point of the arm to the body and allowing the right elbow and forearm to fold correctly, the golfer will be able to keep the club on plane and be in position to initiate the downswing in proper sequence ... enhancing the thrust and speed of the club for longer, straighter golf shots." It's 20 bucks at www.golfaroundtheworld.com.


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